Customer Discovery. Supercharged.

Run AI-powered interviews with site visitors to discover unmet needs.

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Customer support meets user interviews.

Deploy AI-powered interviews that support site visitors and also interview them to discover unmet needs and the "why" behind behaviour.

No-code installation. Just a share/embed a custom link.
Support customers and get critical feedback.
Interview customers as they use your website/product.
Reach people in up to 70 different languages.
Build a continuous feedback pipeline.

Automate customer interviews on your website.

Unearth "the why" behindcustomer behaviour.

You might know "what" your customers are doing, but InsightLab helps you unearth why customers behave the way they do.

Make product decisions that drive conversion.
Find net-new opportunities for improvement.
Truly unearth the voice of your customer, at scale.
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What customers say about us

Get Started

InsightLab's AI interviews have turned customer queries into live user interviews - helping me understand why customers were churning.

David G
Product Manager

Within 12 hours, we ran 124 interviews with our customers in multiple languages. The dashboard helped us unlock new insight into user behaviour.

Harry H
Insights Manager

Customers were leaving, but I didn't know why. InsightLab's in-app interviews are such a great way to both help customers and get feedback!

Jeff T
Independent Business Owner

It's like having a user interviewer always on. The dashboard has made all the difference to help me unlock what is actually been said.

Will F

Invent the Future with InsightLab

Enabling qualitative research at scale to help product teams make informed decisions and solutions that resonate.


Launch a study with existing customers or a specific demographic with just a few clicks.


Your data belongs to you and is never sold or used to train AI models. All data is securely stored on SOC2 and ISO 27001 certified servers.


Reach almost anyone, in any language. Our surveys are capable of speaking and analyzing 70 different languages.


Our team of researchers
is there to support throughout your study.

A few thoughts

Ready to invent the future?

Start by understanding your customers better with InsightLab.

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