Frequently asked questions

If your question isn't answered here, or if you just want to chat, feel free to reach out to us here!

How do I start?

The first step is to create an account and sign up here. To get started you can either capture new data with AI-powered interviews, or analyze any uploaded data. If you need any support, reach out and we can help you through different offerings and even help you determine whether it's best to conduct evaluative, generative research, or continuous research.

Why not just interview people?

Interviewing people and having a 1:1 chat is always good! We highly recommend it and can also offer some tips on how to do it well. However, it can get expensive and time consuming, so teams typically opt for talking to smaller groups of people. Ultimately, you're looking to make big product decisions on insights derived from consumers, and the more people you speak with, the more confidence you'll have when making big product decisions. InsightLab also helps you drastically speed up your time to insight.

How does this work?

You can capture new data with AI-powered interview, or analyze existing data with our advanced querying tools.

AI-powered interviews: We've created unique digital research agents to conduct qualitative research on your behalf. Then we employ a combination of large language models plus our own natural language understanding models to extract insights. Our agents are trained to be courteous, curious, and empathetic and respectful.

Advanced querying tools: Upload audio recordings, video files, transcripts, and more. After that, simply ask your dataset questions and get answers based on users responses. You'll always get a reference to the original data, and even get clips from the exact moment something was mentioned.

Who's this for?

InsightLab is for anyone that wants to gain deep insights about consumers to inform product or services. This includes but isn't limited to product managers, insight teams, startups, researchers and agencies are all seeking to gain deeper insights about any target audience.

Why don't I just launch a survey?

You certainly can! There's nothing wrong with a lil' quant survey data. However, it's very difficult to discern "why" respondents picked a certain answer, especially when it comes to open text. InsightLab is capable of coming up with dynamic responses to unearth behaviours, actions, feelings, intents, and more. All of this is done to unearth underlying and latent needs that customers might not even realise they have yet! 

I don't trust Insights from AI

Great to hear that we're aligned! Insightlab is designed to help YOU unearth insights, not create them for you. Our dashboard is designed to empower you with the ability to sift through thousands of conversations with ease so that you can connect the dots and do what you do best! 

Ready to invent the Future?

Start by understanding your customers better with InsightLab.

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